Is It Helping You?

Hello Victors! If you’re reading this, that is indeed what you are because here at The Victory Collective, we believe that we are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37). 

If you read the last blog post, I was challenging you to dwell on the joy of your salvation. God’s love for us is patient, his love for us doesn’t change, his love is a secure love, and his love changes everything about us! We can live restored lives because of what Jesus did for us. Check it out here.

My husband and I have been enjoying our summer so far. We got back from a cruise recently, and we are getting back into reality. And I am enjoying getting back into my Bible reading and moving through the book of Acts. 

It’s now July, how is it going? For myself, I’ll tell you, I’m not the same person I was when school let out at the end of May. I’ve learned some things and had to admit mistakes I’ve made. But I’m so thankful for God’s grace, which doesn’t excuse wrong behaviors but can restore a broken relationship when I repent for choosing my way over His. 

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but did you know that no matter how long we are saved, we’ll make dumb decisions? I got saved when I was 9, and to this day I still sometimes have to ask myself, “Mercy, why have you not figured this out yet? Your way is not the best way.” I’m sure you could fill that in with whatever you have struggled with. Since this is a place to talk about our porn recovery journeys, I’ll say..

“Why haven’t you figured it out yet, porn isn’t fulfilling anything, it’s making you thirst for the wrong things.” 

How many of you wish you could just GET IT!? I do, and I often just yearn for Heaven where sin and death and the battle between my flesh will be no more. We WILL be victorious because we’ll be in Heaven with The Victor himself. 

While we are on earth waiting for that day, I want to encourage you to remember the helpful things. What do I mean? Here’s this passage that’s been on my mind. 1 Corinthians 6:12 says: “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.” This verse has been a reality check for me many times. 

Paul is talking to the church at Corinth right here, and they have been bombarded with all kinds of opinions and beliefs and I would even say temptations. Corinth was not a great place for a church, because of the corrupt influences all around it. Yet, In God’s eyes, it was the perfect place because even Corinth could be a palace where the gospel could shine.

What Paul is reminding the people here and what I’ve reminded myself of is, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. We do have convictions about things, which might differ between believers, and that’s okay. But more importantly than personal convictions is what God’s word says and calls sin. This was an issue because some in Corinth would say “I can do what I please, I have the right to_____” fill in the blank. Today, some might call that “christian liberty” but that’s a topic for another day. The part that packs a punch for me is the end when Paul says, not all things are helpful. I will not be dominated by anything.

I’m going to tell you exactly how this applies to me and my past with pornography. 

I have an Iphone, I’m allowed to have the Iphone. It is lawful for me to have one. BUT, I know for a fact that there are apps that I don’t need. I don’t have Twitter or Youtube on my Iphone because its not helpful or beneficial for me. Simply put, it’s too much of a temptation and I don’t know if having it would be a dominating factor in my life, but I’m not going to find out or fiddle with that possibility. I know myself and I know what is helpful and what is not (though it took me a while to get there and acknowledge that).

What about you? What in your life right now, might be perfectly fine in and of itself, yet maybe deep down you know this isn’t helping me. Is it some really cute rom-com book you’ve seen on Book Tok? Is it having your phone near you at night? Is it an app on your phone that is better left not downloaded? Is it a friend who isn’t helping your walk with the Lord?

I’ve started reading books that I really enjoyed and wanted to finish but deep down, they weren’t helpful and I knew what would happen if I kept reading. It’s hard identifying the hurtful things, especially when they don’t seem so bad!! But let me tell you, if you don’t learn to identify the harmful things, you’ll become numb to its effects and God’s way won’t ever seem good enough or better to you.

I leave you with this last thought. Satan knows what your bait is, and he’s waiting for you to take it. You know good and well what the truth is and what God says, and you know what it feels like to be victorious in your decision making over those temptations. I urge you as you continue through the summer to really consider, is this helping me live for God or bringing me closer to Him?

Your God thought is 1 Corinthians 6:12.. “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. This verse has been a reality check for me many times. Write it down on a 3x5 card and stick it on your mirror, memorize it. You’ll be thankful you did. 


Live Restored