Hey there, welcome to your new site!
I want to let you know how much I appreciate your purchase of a website template from us. Thank you for trusting us with your business’s online home. Our goal is to make this as simple for you as possible because we know you’ve got a million things on your plate.
So, in this folder, you’ll find training videos and all the resources you need to not only create a beautiful conversion machine, but also to implement online marketing strategies that further your business goals.
A few things to note:
There is some custom CSS here. There is a short video tutorial on this in case you want to try to tweak it or remove it. Just head over to the video training page.
All of the images on this template are royalty free so feel free to keep any that you love.
I will transfer site ownership to you within 2 business days of you accepting your invitation. From there, I can stay on as a contributor for as long as you like in case you have any questions or need help with something. I also like to check in and see how you have customized your website! Otherwise, feel free to remove me as a contributor at any time.
Of course, please feel free to reach out if anything is unclear or you have any questions. I will do my best to reply to you within one business day. You can reach me at sarah@magdalenedesignco.com.
Peace ✌️,
Sarah Busse