Don’t Hurry To Easter

Hi, Victors!

If you’re reading this, that is indeed what you are because here at The Victory Collective, we believe that we are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37). 

If you read last week’s blog post I talked about how sometimes I struggle with the Sunday Scaries!! Thankfully, today I am not feeling that same stress. Remember, as you live from day to day, God is present and you do not have to be afraid.

This week is probably one of my favorite weeks. It is Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter Sunday. Easter reminds me that I live a life freed from my sin and forgiven by God. And the only way that happened was because of one man’s death, burial and resurrection, and his name is Jesus. 

I know we celebrate the Lord’s coming to earth in December, but I do believe that we ought to also remember his life, his ministry, his death and especially his resurrection. This week is a time when I encourage you to read each gospel account and remind yourself just what Jesus did for you. 

On Sunday, my Pastor made a good point that a lot of us have many things. We might have 2 family cars, 2 Bibles, 3+ pairs of shoes. If you're a teacher like me, you have a lot of coffee mugs. We usually have a multiple of earthly things, tangible things. That’s not so with our life. We’re only given one of those here on earth. That thought just resonated with me because it made me consider, am I using my time here on earth wisely? 

Jesus had one life and ultimately, He gave it up for you and for me. Romans 8:32 says He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? God gave us one life down here on earth, but He also gave us something greater, and Romans tells us that it is His own son. 

When God sent his son into the world, it was with a very selfless purpose. I’m sure you know this verse but read it outloud slowly. John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 

These verses remind me that I serve a merciful, loving, and caring God. A God that sees our needs and saw fit to send us a Savior in the form of His only son to save a broken world from the darkness and tragedy of sin. He sent us someone who would not point out our past and our guilt and shame us for what we have done. No, Jesus’ death was like no other sacrifice made in the temples by the priests. It was far more significant and life changing because it not only covered those sins we committed, Jesus’ blood took those sins away. No other sacrifice was ever that powerful or marked final completion. Yearly a lamb had to be given for Israel’s sins. Not so with Jesus. He was and is the perfect lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world (as John said). The gift of Jesus is like none other because it was a once and final perfect offering for our sins. 

As Easter comes this week, don’t hurry to get there. Take the time this week to really remember what Jesus did for you and take time to thank God for the gift of His son. This changes everything for us because now we can be dead to our sins and be alive unto God. 

Here’s your gold nugget for this week: I belong to Jesus, and because I am forgiven of past, present, and future sins, I can and will live in victory today, praising Him for all He has done!


I Exist For Him


No Need To Fear