No Need To Fear
Hello, Victors! If you’re reading this, that is indeed what you are because here at The Victory Collective, we believe that we are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37).
If you read last week’s blog post I talked about Jesus’ love for both Mary and Simon the Pharisee and how that also points to Jesus’ love for us. We are sinners, and we have forgiveness because He is merciful. This was from Luke 7:36-50. Remember — You’ve been forgiven. Go celebrate it, go share it, and go extend it.
I was looking at my calendar today, and I realized that there are only 46 days left of school. It is my first year teaching kindergarten but 4th year in education, and just like in years past, I’m again so excited to call this year done. As I am writing this, it is Sunday night and let me tell you, the thing called “Sunday scaries” are very real. I enjoyed not being at school last week because of spring break. But, in the back of my mind, I knew Monday would come. No matter how wonderful spring break was, I'd have to come back to reality.
I’d have to get back and remember how to teach and help 19 students continue to learn. I have to be ready to answer parent’s questions. I’d have to make sure the students are safe at the playground and inside the classroom. I’d have to be ready to answer 100 questions and remind the students how to keep school rules and simple social appropriateness. And let me tell you, that is a little stressful to get back to doing.
I don’t know what kind of job you have or if you are a stay at home Mom, an entrepreneur, or in the middle of looking for a job. But I want to remind you of a truth that I often remind myself of every Sunday night when I am worried about tomorrow. It’s nothing groundbreaking but here it is.
I don’t have to be afraid.
Let that sink in and say it out loud if you need to.
I don’t have to be afraid.
I know this doesn’t erase your issues or the burden that you have right now, but sometimes a simple truth like that is just what we need to whip us back into shape and remind us who is in control. I had a professor share with us once that one of the hardest things in life to learn is that God is God and we are not.
This blog post is not going to be lengthy or heavy because sometimes our minds need to feast on simple truths. The things that we hear 100 times in church or those scripture passages we know by heart, are exactly what we need. I truly believe we need to still feast on those truths no matter how long we’ve been a Christian. You and I are never done learning or growing.
And so, on this Monday, whatever you are dealing with or choosing to not deal with yet, I want you to know that there is no need to fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. This means that the fears you have right now and the anxieties you have in your heart or deep in your stomach, aren't from God. We have something greater at our disposal and it is power, love, and self control.
If you’re hiding sin and afraid to tell someone or get help — You don’t have to be afraid.
If you’re waiting for results about a medical issue — You don’t have to be afraid.
If you’re studying for a big exam or waiting for results on a licensing test for your career — You don’t have to be afraid.
If your husband is away and you don’t like being by yourself at night — You don’t have to be afraid.
If your marriage seems to be going on a downward spiral and you need help — You don’t have to be afraid.
If you just received news about your child that you didn’t expect in this season — You don’t have to be afraid.
Here is your gold nugget for this week- When I choose to be fearful, I am choosing to forget God’s amazing power in my life.
This is a song that has been encouraging for me when I am afraid and I hope it comforts you this week. Christ is our Sure and Steady Anchor.