Resources for men

Resources for Men




  • Finding Your Fighters: How to Strategically find Community during Addiction - This e-book is formatted like a daily devotional, giving you 10 days of discernment, testimonies, and challenges to help you dig deeper into God's design for confession and community.

  • Proven Women Devotional - “The Proven Women devotional is a workbook study that will center your heart on Jesus Christ. Every morning, you will meditate on and memorize scripture, read a short devotional, and spend time journaling and praying about what you learned.”

  • 90 Days to Wholeness by Crystal Renaud Day - “Over the course of 90 days, Pastoral Counselor & Certified Coach Crystal Renaud Day will walk with you through her recovery steps of Surrender, Confession, Accountability, Responsibility, and Sharing (S.C.A.R.S.) adapted from her first book, Dirty Girls Come Clean.”


  • Freedom Hub Intl. - “The following videos, podcasts, and blogs cover various topics about pornography addiction, how to find freedom, stories of victory, and more.”

  • She Recovery - “Hosted by Crystal Renaud Day along with expert guests, personal stories, and helpful tools, this weekly show has something for all who are on a recovery journey, but created for women in mind.”

  • Magdala Ministries - “Magdala exists as a space where women can find hope, healing, and freedom alongside each other from sexual addiction. Our goal is to supply you with support, community, and accountability.”

  • Holy Ship Podcast - Lydia and Emma cover “all the topics surrounding relationships, not shying away from the awkward and uncomfortable topics.”

  • Convos with Kaila - “This is a relaxed place to feel like you're having a cup of coffee or tea and just talking about Christian lifestyle with vulnerability, challenging ourselves on our beliefs and actions as believers of Jesus, exploring Scripture, sharing testimonies of God’s faithfulness and exploring how we can grow deeper in love with God.”

  • Say What Podcast - Every Monday, Hannah drops a new episode on “overcoming purity culture, sex, marriage, or all things being a woman!”

  • Consider Before Consuming by Fight The New Drug - “Join us every other week as we consider the harmful effects of pornography using science, facts, and personal accounts. But, we’re not just inviting you to consider the potential negative consequences of pornography but also the benefits to a life free of porn and its influence.”

Support Groups

Counseling Services

  • Living on Purpose Coaching and Pastoral Counseling - “We walk alongside women as they navigate their next right step in order to embrace healing or bring about a desired change in their life. We offer unique helping services to meet the needs of a variety of women facing an assortment of life events and circumstances.”

Accountability Software

  • Accountable2You - Get a free month of Accountable2You using our affiliate link. This accountability software will send a weekly report to a virtual accountability partner of your choosing. It will notify your accountability partner if it identifies a suspicious internet search or if you have downloaded an uninstall code. This is effective if you struggle with image/video porn or erotica because it identifies suspicious word searches.

  • Covenant Eyes - This accountability software uses a screenshot software that identifies any suspicious images on your screen. It sends weekly reports to a virtual accountability partner of your choosing. It will notify your partner if it identifies anything suspicious. This is more effective if you struggle with image or video pornography. It is not as effective for those who struggle with erotica.

TVC Blogs

Social Media

  • @bebrokenministries - “Helping individuals and families move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ.”

  • @restored2more - “Restoring marriages to wholeness in Christ after they have been affected by pornography and sexual brokenness.”

  • @provenmenministries - “Inspiring men & women to take a stand for sexual integrity & to stand against porn. Stand and fight with us to revitalize honor & integrity.”

  • @lovealwaysministries - “Helping you walk in freedom by discovering God’s love & leading through purity.”

  • @x3church - “We are a voice of change that provides communities and resources for those struggling with porn and sexual integrity. Break the shame today!”

  • @puredesirespdmi - "Helping you take back your life from unwanted sexual behavior and betrayal trauma.”

  • @sathiyamesam - “I'm the creator of DeepClean™. It took me 15 years to fully recover from porn addiction. Now I share my methods with brave men like you who deserve a better life.”

  • @iamjoshuabroome - Ex-porn star, now a pastor fighting against pornography and sexual shame.

  • @joinrelayapp - “Match in teams of peers overcoming the same challenge as you. Interactive tools for personal and team success.”

  • @joinfortify - “Quit porn for good. Join tens of thousands in over 155 countries moving toward lasting freedom from pornography and sexual compulsivity.”

  • @fightthenewdrug - “Nonprofit educating on the harms of porn. Non-religious, non-legislative, anti-shame.”